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laying up 敲进铆钉
laying 布置
laying 衬垫
laying 敷设布置
laying-down the lines 型线放样
laying-down 放样划线
laying-down 划样
laying-off 放样
laying-off 放样划线
laying-out for assembling 装配划线
laying-out machine 划线机
laying-out table 划线台
laying-out 号料
laying-out 划线
laying-out 划线号料
laying-up berth 长期停航泊地
laying-up returns 退还停泊保险费
laying-up 封存
layout circle 配置图
layout circle 配置圆
layout diagram 布置图
layout diagram 配置图
layout flexibility 配置灵活性
layout for motor wiring 电动机敷线布置图
layout line 配置线
layout man 划线工
layout n. 布置图
layout of body plan 船体型线放样
layout of equipment 设备布置图
layout of port 港口布局
layout work 设计
layout work 设计设计草图
layout 布置图
layout 草图
layshaft bearing 中间轴轴承
layshaft 并置轴
layshaft 中间轴
layshaft 中间轴并置轴
laytime saved both ends 装卸节省时间两港合并计算
laytime saved 节省装卸时间
laytime statement of facts 装卸时间事实记录
laytime 装卸货时间
layup 敷层玻璃钢敷层长期停泊不用
lazaret 近船尾贮藏室
lazaret 近船尾贮藏室;船上的传染病室
lazarette 近船尾贮藏室
lazaretto 近船尾贮藏室
lazy guy 锤出吊货法(吊货时靠起货机将吊杆拉到舱口上装货
lazy guy 锤出吊货法吊杆稳索
lazy guy 吊杆稳索
lazy halyard 辅助索
lazy halyard 小升降绳
lazy line 轻便缆
lazy painter 短系艇索
lazy painter 轻便的艇首缆
lazy pinion 惰轮
lazy 懒的
lazy 懒惰的
LC circuit 电感电容电路
LC oscillator 电感电容振荡器
LC ratio 电感电容比
LC 电感电容
LCL Delivered at Port of Called 中途港站拼箱货交接
LCR bridge 电感电容电阻测量电桥
LCR meter 电感电容电阻测试器
LCR 电感电容电阻
Le Guidon de la mer 海上指南
leach line 起帆索
leachline 起帆索
lead 1 angle 超前角
lead 1 block 导向滑车
lead 1 hole 导孔
lead 1 inductance 导线电感
lead 1 network 超前网络
lead 1 of brushes 电刷超前
lead 1 of slide valve 滑阀导程
lead 1 of thread 螺纹导程
lead 1 screw drive 导螺杆驱动
lead 1 screw 导螺杆
lead 1 wire 引线
lead 1 导程
lead 1 导程导线
lead 1-in conductor 引入线
lead 1-in insulator 引入绝缘子
lead 1-in plate 引入板
lead 1-in trolley 进坞拖车
lead 1-in winch 船坞绞车
lead 1-in wire 引入线
lead 1-in 引入
lead 1-in 引入输入引入线输入端
lead 1-out plate 引出板
lead 2 accumulator 铅蓄电池
lead 2 acid 铅酸
lead 2 alkyl resin 烷基铅树脂
lead 2 alloy 铅合金
lead 2 bath quenching 铅浴淬火
lead 2 battery 铅电池
lead 2 brass 铅黄铜
lead 2 bronze bearing 铅青铜轴承
lead 2 bronze 铅青铜
lead 2 connector 铅跨接条
lead 2 covered cable 铅包电缆
lead 2 covered wire 铅包线
lead 2 covering 铅包皮
lead 2 foil 铅箔
lead 2 frame 铅框
lead 2 fuse 铅熔丝
lead 2 glass 铅玻璃
lead 2 grease 铅润滑脂
lead 2 grid 铅栅
lead 2 hammer 铅锤
lead 2 impression 铅印压铅法
lead 2 monoxide 一氧化铅
lead 2 paint 铅丹
lead 2 peroxide 过氧化铅
lead 2 pipe 铅管
lead 2 plate 铅板
lead 2 plating 镀铅
lead 2 plating 镀铅包铅
lead 2 plug 铅塞
lead 2 plug 铅塞熔塞
lead 2 powder primer paint 铅粉底漆
lead 2 rod 铅棒
lead 2 screen 铅屏
lead 2 sheath 铅包皮
lead 2 sheet 铅板
lead 2 sleeve 铅套管
lead 2 storage battery 铅蓄电池
lead 2 sulphate 硫酸铅
lead 2 sulphide 硫化铅
lead 2 tetraethyl 四乙基铅
lead 2 tolerance 容许含铅量
lead 2 tube 铅管
lead 2 white 铅白
lead 2 wire 铅丝
lead 2 铅
lead 2 铅铅制品测锤用铅包在…的里面衬一层铅加铅于
lead 2-acid battery 铅酸蓄电池
lead 2-acid cell 铅酸蓄电池
lead 2-base alloy 铅基合金
lead 2-base bearing alloy 铅基轴承合金
lead 2-base white metal linings 铅基白合金衬层
lead 2-calcium alloy battery 铅钙合金蓄电池
lead 2-coated cable 铅包电缆
lead 2-coated 镀铅的铅包的
lead 2-polythene cable 聚乙烯铅包电缆
lead 2-polythene-covered cable 聚乙烯铅包电缆
lead 2-sheathed cable 铅包电缆
lead 2-sheathed wire 铅包电缆
lead 2-zinc accumulator 铅锌蓄电池
lead absorber 铅吸收体
lead accumulator 铅蓄电池
lead acid cell 铅酸蓄电池
lead alkyl resin 烷基铅树脂
lead alloy sheathing 铅包皮
lead alloy 铅合金
lead and zinc calcines  铅锌煅烧物
lead and zinc middlings 铅锌中矿
lead angle 超前角
lead ballast 铅压载
lead bath quenching 铅浴淬火
lead block 水砣滑车
lead block 水砣滑车导向滑车
lead brass 铅黄铜
lead bronze bearing 铅青铜轴承
lead bronze 铅青铜
lead cable 引线电缆
lead circuit 超前电路
lead covered cable 铅包线
lead covered cable 铅皮线
lead covered wire 铅包线
lead covered wire 铅皮线
lead covering 铅包皮
lead drier 铅催干剂
lead duck 铅压块
lead fair 无阻通过
lead foil 铅箔
lead for instrumentation 仪表用导线
lead frame 铅框
lead fuse 铅熔丝
lead glass 铅玻璃
lead grid 铅栅
lead hammer 铅锤
lead hole 导孔
lead impression 铅印
lead in cable 引入电缆
lead in insulator 引入线绝缘子
lead in trolley 进坞拖车
lead in 导入
lead inductance 引线电感
lead limit switch 行程限位开关
lead line mark 水砣绳标记
lead line 测深绳
lead line 水砣绳
lead link 测深索套箍
lead log 水底拖曳计程仪
lead mark 导航标志
lead monoxide 氧化铅
lead nail 大头钉
lead network 超前网络
lead nitrate 硝酸铅
lead of brushes 电刷超前
lead of slide valve 滑阀导程
lead of thread 螺纹导程
lead ore concentrate 铅精矿
lead ore residue 铅矿渣
lead ore 铅矿
lead out 排好拉索;开始
lead out 排好拉索开始
lead oxide 一氧化铅
lead paint 铅漆
lead pellet 铅粒填封
lead peroxide 过氧化铅
lead pipe 铅管
lead plate 铅板
lead plating 镀铅
lead plug 铅塞
lead powder primer paint 铅粉底漆
lead pursuit 迎面导航方式
lead pursuit 迎面导航方式;引导跟踪方式
lead pursuit 迎面导航方式引导跟踪方式
lead rail 导轨
lead red 红丹粉
lead rod 铅棒
lead screen 铅屏
lead screw 导螺杆
lead sheath 铅包皮
lead sheathed cable 铅包电缆
lead sheet 青铅皮
lead shield compartment 铅屏蔽舱
lead shield compartment 铅屏蔽舱室
lead silver ore 铅银矿
lead sleeve 铅套管
lead storage battery 铅蓄电池
lead stowage plan 铅压载配置图
lead sulphide 方铅矿硫化铅方铅矿
lead tube 铅管
lead weight 铅坠
lead white 铅白
lead wire 导线
lead wire 线
lead wire 引线
lead yard 首制船建造厂
lead zinc primer 铅锌底漆
lead zinic  铅锌
lead zinic primer 铅锌底漆
lead zinic primer 铜锌底漆
lead 导程导管
lead 导管
lead 领导;导向
lead 铅
lead-acid cell 铅酸电池
lead-in trolley 进坞拖车
lead-in winch 进坞绞车
lead-screw 螺杆
leadage 从煤矿至装船港的运输费用
leaded tin bronze 加铅锡青铜
leaden 天色灰暗
leader cable 导航电缆
leader cable 引线电缆
leader 领导人
leader 领袖
leader 引线导杆
leadfair 导缆装置
leadfair 导缆装置(滚轮
leading  导航叠标导航灯
leading ahead 拎头
leading beacon 导标
Leading beacon 导立标
leading block eye-plate 导向滑车眼板
leading block holder 导向滑车眼板
leading block 导块
leading block 导块导向滑车
leading block 导向滑车
leading block 导向滑车;导块
leading buoy 第一个浮标
leading buoy 第一个浮筒
leading chain 导链
leading channel 进口水道
leading current 超前电流
leading edge of impulse 脉冲前沿
leading edge plate 导边板
leading edge plate 舵叶导边板
leading edge (叶片
leading edge 导边
leading end 前沿
leading fairway of the dock 船闸引航道
leading fireman 生火长
leading hand 领班
leading in cable 引入电缆
leading light 导航灯
leading light 后桅灯
leading lights 导航灯
leading lights 导航叠标灯
leading line 导航线
leading line 导索
leading line 叠标导航线
leading line 叠标导航线;导索
leading mark 导标
Leading Marks 导标
Leading Marks 导标导航标
leading marks 导航标
leading oarsman 头桨
leading part  动端
leading part 动端
leading particular 要素
leading phase angle 超前相角
leading pile 导桩
leading pipe 主管
leading pole -tip 磁极前端
leading pole-tip 磁极前端
leading range mark 导航叠标
leading rollers 导轮
leading screw 导螺杆
leading seaman 领班水手
leading sheave 导向滑轮
leading ship 导航船
leading tap 机用螺丝攻
leading tap 机用螺丝攻螺母丝锥
leading time 超前时间
leading truck 导轮
leading underwriter 重要海上保险商
leading underwriter's agreement for marine cargo business 主要保险人海上货运协议
leading underwriter's agreement for marine hull business 主要保险人船舶协议
leading underwriter's agreement 主要保险人协议
leading wind 顺风
leading wire 引线
leading 导航叠标
leading 引导超前
leading 指导
leading-in box 引入箱
leading-in cable 引入电缆
leading-in conductor 引入线
leading-in end 引入端
leading-in equipment 进坞设备
leading-in equipment 引船进坞设备
leading-in gear 引船进坞装置
leading-in terminal 引入端子
leading-in wire 引入线
leading-in 引入
leading-in 引入线引入
leading-out end 引出端
leading-out terminal 输出端
leading-out terminal 输出端子
leading-out terminal 引出端子
leadingparticular 要素
leadline 测深绳
leads 两个滑车中间的辘绳部分
leadsman 测深员
leadsman 水砣测深手
leadsman's apron 水砣手防湿围裙
leadsman's gripe 安全带
leadsman's gripe 测深员护索
leadsman's gripe 水砣手安全带
leadsman's platform 测深台
leadsmans' apron 水砣手防湿围裙
leadsmans' gripe 水砣手安全带
leadsmans' platform 水砣台
leaf bridge 竖旋桥
leaf electrometer 箔验电器


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